Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our First Visitor

Last week we ha our first visitor to our apartment. It was after nightfall and I was getting ready to go to work while Kalina was getting ready for bed. There was a knock at our door and since I was the only one not in pajamas I answered. It was was a Police Officer. After formalities he wasted no time in getting to the point.

"Sir, do you have a chicken in your backyard?"

I must pause here and explain that this is not the strangest question I've been asked by law enforcement.

"No. Well, I mean, I saw one earlier."

Apparently, the rooster I saw wandering around our house was not supposed to be there. After explaining that we did not own the whole house and had actually just moved in so we didn't know anyone else, he continued his investigation elsewhere.

Whenever I have an interaction with police officers it turns into a bizarre moment. Other great questions I've been asked include: "Sir, are you running a meth lab?" and "How would you like a $110 early birthday present?" to which I became confused as to the officer's intent and almost replied with "I wouldn't like that very much." Luckily I realized that was his way of letting me off with a warning. (Sidenote: Yes I was speeding. But I had just driven 800 miles straight where the speed limit was 75 mph. I exit onto a 55 mph road, immediately realize I'm going 65, correct this and then get pulled over.)

Anyways, to date the only person to knock on our door has done so just to inquire about a rogue chicken.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice start to the morning by watching our sweet happy grandbaby!! Thanks for sharing his proud moment of sitting up!!
    Love you and miss you all!
    Grandma Deb and Grandpa Terry
