Sunday, March 21, 2010

slumber party

steven is working over night this week. yuck. you know i have to wonder - does target think about me at all in this decision? so steven stays up all night, making target great, while I have to stay at home. i browse hulu for anything interesting, i eat pb & j sandwiches, i twiddle my thumbs. sure steven is working hard, but really, i have it so much harder. watching a baby sleep and wishing i could fall asleep. but i have such a hard time without steven here. "no consideration, no consideration at all!" (five fake dollars if you can tell me where that quote is from) this whole over night thing messes up my schedule so!

and knowing target the employees are probably given breaks to boost moral. really long breaks, where they get free food and games. they probably play midnight bowling and 2 am basketball with nacho cheese sauce and pickles. whats a pb&j compared to that?

instructions: hold your hand a couple inches away from your mouth with your palm facing your face. now hold a note and cover your mouth with your hand. quickly pull your hand back to its starting position. repeat.

this is apollo's new favorite thing to do. he thinks its better than, well, a lot of things. he actually fell asleep doing it. which was amazing and really cute.

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